Sunday, March 22, 2009

Stake Musical

Our Stake is putting on a musical and Revere has the part of Cogsworth. Families were invited to watch the practice on Friday night so I went and watched with Emma and Daniel. (Anna Marie was visiting a friend.) The kids got tired so I took them home but came back to watch the rest.

Our Garden?

At least we hope it will work. We do have a problem with weeds but are hoping to keep it under control. Here Revere is dumping compost on the back and side yards. He got three loads full of compost and will till it in as soon as he can. I also ordered seeds and some other garden stuff. I hope to plant peas next week when they come. We have had really good weather but the forecast says snow on Monday.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Family Home Evening

Our neighbors, Al, Janette, Kaylie and Kylie came over for Family Home Evening. It was fun to have them over. For the lessons we learned more verses to Book of Mormon stories song. We had milk chocolate (cooked) pudding and whipped cream. They also watched Emma put on a play with her Littlest Pet Shop toys. Daniel and our neighbors are in the picture.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Random Acts of Kindness

Monday night the doorbell rang. Daniel answered and when I asked who it was he said Sprite and Pizza. Someone in our ward had left the food and also a tithing slip and note showing they had paid for Daniel's Webelos camp this summer. We really appreciated it and it cheered us up the next day to eat the pizza especially since we were a little down that a place Revere interviewed at had not called back. They still have not made any kind of a decision but hopefully no news is good news.


It snowed Thursday night. Everything was getting warm until this storm came in. Here is the picture of our big tree from my computer room window. When Daniel had his room upstairs (we are all downstairs now) the shadow of this tree fell right on the head of his bed. But instead of being scared he really liked to watch the shadows move.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Visit

Eric had something to do down here on Presidents Day so he dropped off Bailey. She had fun looking at Sammy and playing with the kids.

Draper Temple Open House

We were able to go to the Draper Temple Open House. It was not even that crowded because we went during the day at 10:20 on Feb 19th. They showed a video about the Draper area and Temple at the first Church building we went to. Then they had us ride a bus up to the Temple. We walked quite a ways under covered walkways to the Temple. It was much larger than the Twin Falls Temple but much smaller than the Jordan River. Click on the word slideshow to see more pictures of the Draper Temple. We are very excited to be able to see a dedication session broadcast to our local stake center on the 22nd.